A few days ago, at the lake the cleaning lady came over and I think she may have been smoking since she was about 4 years old because her voice was so deep she didn't even sound human. She was incredibly nice woman and looked down and spoke to Neema. I was sitting there thinking "please dont say anything about the weirdness of her voice....." fortunately, she didn't this time.
Well, tonight as I was putting her to bed and we were saying our nightly prayers, one thing I was asking is that God would help us to remember that our lives are not our own and that things are just not really about us. "Please help us to remember its about Jesus. Let it be about Jesus...." And Neema said, "yes Let it be about Neema..."
When I left her room, I had to laugh because this is the truth. Deep in our hearts, this is what we all subconciously want. We are all fighting this innate desire for the world to be about us. Aren't we all chasing this in some way? Success so we get praise...or money to go spend on ourselves...awards so we can receive in front of crowd...new clothes so we will look good and people will look at us....being funny so people will be around us....i could go on.
I think this is why its so important to be around children because they just speak the truth that I so desperately need!
Love it! This sounds like Henry! (: Our children are our mirrors!